September 8, 2024
All Punjab Board Chemistry Pairing Scheme 2023

10th Class Chemistry Pairing Scheme 2023

All Punjab Board released the Pattren of 10th class chemistry 2023. Every year, a paper scheme is provided to 10th-grade students in Punjab boards to help them prepare for their Chemistry exams. The 2023 paper scheme has three main sections: multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and long questions. The Pattern is divided into chapters: Chemical Equilibrium, Acids, Basics and Salts, Organic Chemistry, Hydrocarbons, Biochemistry, Environmental -I, Environmental -II, and Chemical Industries.10th Class Chemistry Pairing Scheme 2023

To prepare well for the exams, students should focus on the theory and practical parts of each chapter. The paper scheme provides information on the number and types of questions for each section, making it easier for students to study. By following the pairing plan approved by the board authorities, students will have a better understanding of what to expect in the exam.

All Punjab Board Chemistry Pairing Scheme 2023

Paring Scheme 2023. 10th Class Chemistry

Q.No.1 Choose the Correct Answer.                                   (12) Marks       

Chapter NumberMCQS
Chapter No .92
Chapter No .102
Chapter No .111
Chapter No .121
Chapter No .132
Chapter No .141
Chapter No .152
Chapter No .161
Chapter No .92
All Punjab Board Chemistry Pairing Scheme 2023

Section ii (Short Answer)

Q.NO.2 Give any five Short Answers out of eight. (5 x2 =10)

 2 Short QuestionChapter No .9
2 Short QuestionChapter No .11
4 Short QuestionChapter No .13
All Punjab Board Chemistry Pairing Scheme 2023

Q.NO.3 Give any five Short Answers out of eight. (5 x2 =10)

2 Short QuestionChapter No .10
2 Short QuestionChapter No .12
4 Short QuestionChapter No .14

Q.NO.4 Give any five Short Answers out of eight. (5 x2 =10)

4 Short QuestionChapter No .15
4 Short QuestionChapter No .16

Long Question    (Solve any two Questions) ( 9×2=18)


A(5)Chapter No .9
B(4)Chapter No .13


A(5)Chapter No .10
B(4)Chapter No .15


A(5)Chapter No .12
B(4)Chapter No .16
Chemistry Pairing Scheme 10th Class By All Punjab Board 2023

Download 10th class chemistry Pattern 2023

10th Class Chemistry Pairing Scheme 2023
10th Class Chemistry Pairing Scheme 2023